My new Enve 6.7 clinchers on Chris King hubs are the most awesome wheels I've ever ridden. They are better than the hype you read. If you want fast, light, comfortable and pro bling, these are the thing..
G Warwick
May 11, 2013
My OEM ebike wheel had a hop in it. When I went to my local bike store for a new wheel I gave him a wish list and a price range. I guess I wanted too much for too little and never heard back from him.
I entered my wish list to Pro wheel and found out I could indeed get what I wanted in budget.
3 weeks later I got a package with a gorgeous custom wheel for me, make with ebike Sapim strong spokes and a rugged DTswiss rim.
Later that afternoon after easily fitting it (my first tubeless tire) I went out to test it. Within a half hour I had achieved two new PRs on the two Strava segments I rode. One by 7 seconds and one by 10. I did a 12 mile trip at an average of 21.3 mph. I would say the wheel works! I don't know if it is the rim geometry, the fact that it is now running tubeless, or the Shimano hub being faster, but I guess I really don't care. The combo works. I would recommend to my e-bike buddies, and you guys should probably make an e-bike category for this growing segment.