richard, the wheels are great. i rode a hundred miles this weekend. I hit a lot of bumps and the wheels are still true. thanks again. looking forward to buying more wheels from you. xavier
January 12, 2009
Over the past few weeks, I spent a lot of time on different websites trying to find the perfect wheels for me. I decided to order from Pro Wheel Builder because of their great selection/prices and their user friendly site.
Two days after placing my order, I decided that I wanted to make a change the rims I selected. I sent an email and received a response from Debra the next morning. Debra was very helpful and was able to help me with the changes I wanted to make. I received very quick responses to every email I sent.
In the end, Pro Wheel Builder delivered a great set of wheels on the expected delivery date. Their customer service is top notch and I am very satisfied with my purchase. I would highly recommend Pro Wheel Builder to anyone looking to buy custom wheels.